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cieTrade Featured in Global Recycling Magazine

In a recent interview with Global Recycling Magazine, cieTrade’s Product Manager, Emily Ott, discusses the platform and its efficiencies for trading and recycling companies. Read the full interview to learn more..


New Ocean Shipping Automation with Infor-Nexus

Infor-Nexus is one of the leading supply chain platforms for global trade and includes most of the world’s ocean carriers as active participants on their network. With cieTrade’s integration to Infor-Nexus, clients can directly submit ...

clickBale by cieTrade

clickBale is a productivity app for cieTrade that makes it easy for recycling plants to keep track of bale production and available baled inventory. It provides instant visibility on stock levels while eliminating paper tally ...

Our New ciePhoto Video

The ciePhoto app for cieTrade lets you easily send photos of export loads to customers & documents quality issues on receiving loads. It works by automatically connecting images with corresponding loads, eliminating the time consuming ...

cieTrade Offers New Cloud Software for Export Trading

Stamford, CT, July 31, 2019 — Effectively leveraging information technology has become critical to the success of paper, scrap and commodity exporters of all sizes, especially with today’s increasing customer demands, growing transaction volumes, logistical ...

Interested in Learning More?

Learn how cieTrade can meet the unique needs of your trading or recycling business with an online demonstration tailored to your specific areas of interest.

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